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Why Next Step Progress
Together we can bring financial capability to urban and rural areas in a holistic way.
Our Approach

An interconnected approach of providing microculture economics, financial literacy and behavioral finance to transform neighborhoods into communities and create intergenerational wealth

Economic Empowerment

We believe economic empowerment is a mandate to create inter-

generational wealth, and we believe we have a unique strategy.


We believe in building capacity and value through financial capability. We are committed to reaching under-served communities.


We believe envisioned, equipped, and aware individuals in the community are the first respondents to the needs of their community .

If you believe in implementation over idleness.

If you believe in being the change as oppose to speaking of change.

If you feel society should reflect the people instead oppose the people.

If you are seeking to transfer knowledge instead of absorb knowledge.

If you are convinced the future will be better than the past through active engagement.

If you believe in becoming part of something bigger than yourself.

Then You Are Next Step Progress
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