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National Financial Literacy Month

For someone to instruct others on how to use their money may at times seem irrelevant and even inimical if you don't know the personal situation surrounding the finance part of their situation.

Yet, here we are! National Financial Literacy Month has once again come and gone!

You may have heard through television or podcasts just a little more emphasis on knowing where and to who your money is going or simply came across someone saving for something important.

But what does this mean to the many communities impacted by chronic unemployment, stagnant wages, and slow economic growth?

First, it means managing your money has to be a priority if you ever want to be in a better situation tomorrow than you are today. Even if you have more month left at the end of your money. Second, it means being aware of how the negative financial traps in communities derail financial gain. Fortunately around the country many public libraries hosted several events as part of

Moving forward, past the month of April, let us identify and capture our financial responsibility by building positive coalitions.

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