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Money and Life

Money will be a part of your life for the rest of your life! Please make an effort to know each other like Best Friends Forever. Many times we forget how money affects every aspect of our lives. Whether you’re a Saver or Spender, Planner or Improviser; money will be there to play a pivotal role. Our first interaction with financial transactions takes place in childhood.

Yes, you guessed it, the old tangent in the supermarket! For you it might be that piece of candy at checkout you want that your parent won’t buy for you. I know for me it was the Big League Chew shredded bubble gum I would always pitch a fit over! Each time I was told nope, unless I had the money to buy it. Not to be a scrooge but this is the way money is throughout life.

As a teenager, adult, and even in your older years you will have to always make decisions based around money. The key is that some of us will create a sustainable plan so those decisions are not solely based on money and others will have money control every little detail of their decision.

Which one will you be?

Habits and attitudes built over years is not difficult to change and will not change overnight, but it isn’t impossible!

The purpose of money is to meet your current and ongoing obligations while feeling secure in your future. This allows for an enjoyable life!

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